A flat piercing is a cartilage piercing in the flat area of the upper ear. It’s often called an outer perforació de la concha because of piercing the cartilage above the inner conch of the ear. Flat piercings are good for showing off large decorative jewelry and are great for showing personality. Flat ear piercings can take anywhere from 3-10 months to fully heal.

Flat ear piercings are $65 at Tatuatges de palma de ferro i incloure joies amb el servei.

Els pírcings d'orella plana són de 65 dòlars a Iron Palm Tattoos a Atlanta i inclouen joies amb el servei. Truqueu al 404-973-7828 o passeu per una consulta gratuïta. Els Walk Ins són benvinguts.
Flat Ear Piercings are $65 at Iron Palm Tattoos In Atlanta and include jewelry with the service. Call 404-973-7828 or stop by for a free consultation. Walk Ins are welcome.